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Straight Key Party

QSO Points

Each complete QSO counts according to the rules. SWL logs must contain both callsigns and at least one complete report for each QSO.
Each station may only be worked once. The telegraph characters must be recorded with the ear and decoded manually. Any type of electronic reading device is against competition rules.


Straight Key Party 80m: Annually on the first Saturday in February, 16:00 to 19:00 UTC. Next date: February, 1st 2025.
Straight Key Party 40m: Annually on the first Saturday in September, 13:00 to 16:00 UTC. Next date: September, 6th 2025.
Only CW (A1A) with a straight key, single OP operation.

The IARU Region 1 band plan must be strictly adhered to! This means 80m band operation only between 3510 kHz and 3560 kHz.

Report: RST + consecutive 3-digit QSO number (starting with 001)/Class/Name/Age.
YLs enter “xx” in place of the age. In principle, the indication of the age is voluntary, if you don’t want to indicate your age, you give “xx”.

569001/A/Tom/39, 589004/C/Rosel/xx

Classes and Scoring

Participation classes

Class A: max. 5 W out (10 W in)
Class B: max. 50 W out (100 W in)
Class C: max. 150 W out (300 W in)
Class D: SWL


Class A with Class A: 9 points
Class A with Class B: 7 points
Class A with Class C: 5 points
Class B with Class B: 4 points
Class B with Class C: 3 points
Class C with Class C: 2 points

TOTAL SCORE: Sum of all QSO points.

Total Score

Sum of all QSO Points


The first three places in each class will be awarded


RST + consecutive 3-digit QSO number (from 001)/Class/Name/Age

Operating Mode

Only CW (A1A) with a straight key.
Einmann-Betrieb (Single-OP).


Friedrich W. Fabri, DF1OY Elisenhofstraße 7 D–25832 Tönning

E-Mail htp@agcw.de


Log Information
The log must contain the following information:

DateUTCBandModeOther station’s callReport sentReport received
20210904130540CWOK2OHA599 001/B/Heinz/84599 001/B/Bob/80

The file header must contain category, description of the station, calculation of the points, declaration of honour that only a straight key was used. SWL logs must contain both calls of a QSO and at least one complete exchange.
The log files can be submitted by email or via the import function at the end of this page.

A Freeware Software is available here. Please submit recommended .STF or .CBR files. 


HTP80: by 28 February HTP40: by 30 September


You are invited to contact the contest manager

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